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How to install windows7/8/8.1/10/2008/2012/2016 in virtual disk with dual booting ?(virtualization)

install windows in vhd with dual booting .
hello friends, In this post, i am going to show you how to install windows in the virtual disk with dual booting.

There are many advantages to install windows in the virtual disk.

A.No need to format the physical drive.

B.If you wish to delete windows installation you can simply delete its vhd and your os will be deleted.

C. Share data between both windows easily with mounting its file.

D.You can take backup of entire os simply copy a single file.

Step to create vhd and installing windows

1.Goto run (or press windown+r) then type diskmgmt.msc and press enter.

then disk management window will open.

2.In the disk management click on action tab and select create VHD option.
then another window will open. this window click on browse tab and select place where you want to save your vhd disk file.please note that vhd disk name should be easy and without space for avoiding future virtual disk size 20 GB and select dynamically expanding option.(if you select this option vhd will not occupy full space it will expend automatically according to your windows data.If you wish to select fixed size then you can.)

4.Your vhd is created.This disk is still raw, it needs to initialize so right click on vhd and select option initializes the disk.

5.Now select MBR and click ok.

6.You have completely created your vhd now its time to install windows inside.create your bootable media and boot your system .before click on install button.

press shift+f10 key on your keyboard.

then command prompt will open .with the help of command prompt we will locate vhd file and attach for installing windows.

So you have to find out that which windows partition have your vhd disk file.

for finding this you must run this command 


and locate your vhd file. 

if not found then switch to another partition with the help of below command, for example, you want to see in D drive then the command will look like this

d: (and press enter)

now run dir command. Your command will look like this

d:>\dir (and press enter)

now look for vhd file if present then enters in the disk part utility with the following command.otherwise search in another drive.

d:>\diskpart (and press enter)

now run following command to select your vhd file 

diskpart>select vdisk file=d:\your vhd file neme here.vhd (and press enter)

then attach the file with the following command

diskpart>attach vdisk (and press enter)

Now your vhd file is successfully attached. As you can see in image 20GB partition is our vhd now you can install windows as usual.if you want to know how to install windows.

thank for your reading hopefully you have successfully installed your windows in vhd with dual booting.

if you like this post please share it and if you have any complaint or suggestion please comment below your feedback is very valuable for us.
Thank you.


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