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What is boot file? Microsoft windows all version boot files.

As soon as we do on the power switch on your computer until desktop there are lots of process occurs. These process occurs step-wise .

1.Power on self test (POST)

2.initial startup phase 
3.boot loader phase 
4.detect ahd configure hardware phase 
5.kernel loading phase 
6.log on phase 

for Complete information about all above processes please read our post on computer startup process  
Currently, we are aware of the boot files.
All steps are completed by some files.It works something like this.

* How many operating systems installed on the hard disk.
* which is Boot partition.
* How many devices are connected to the motherboard.The inter-communication to all devices.
*load driver according to hardwares.
*loading operating system.

These files are called the boot files.

The windows of all the files that vary according to the version.

DOS Boot up Sequence

IO.SYS – A binary file that provides basic input/output interface between the ROM BIOS and the Hardware
MSDOS.SYS – A binary file considered to be the core of the DOS operating system
CONFIG.SYS – A text file used to load drivers and memory managers and also use to configure the system to the user’s needs
COMMAND.COM – DOS user interface loads the command prompt which interprets DOS commands
AUTOEXEC.BAT – A text file that contains setting up display settings, environment variables and routines

windows 9x boot files  

IO.SYS - I/O files use to communicate with the BIOS
MSDOS.SYS - Loads OS into memory (Also use to configure boot files in windows 9x)
SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT - system and user settings (REGEDIT)
CONFIG.SYS - loads device drivers for backwards compatibility
AUTOEXEC.BAT - sets system environment use for backwards compatibility
WIN.COM - Initiates the Windows 9x protected load phase
SYSTEM.INI - use to configure 16-bit windows drivers and critical files
WIN.INI- sets 16-bit windows environment
VxD - loads windows virtual device drivers

Windows XP Boot Files

NTLDR – Found in the MBR this file boots up the Windows 2K/XP operating system
BOOT.INI - is text file that lists the available OS found and tells the NTLDR where to find boot partition
BOOTSECT.DOS – Locates the IO.SYS file so you can start another OS in a dual boot environment
NTDETECT.COM – Loads into protected mode and detects the installed hardware on your system
NTBOOTDD.SYS - On a system with a SCSI boot device, this file is used to recognize and load the SCSI boot partition.
NTOSKRNL.EXE- Windows 2000 Core Files
WIN.COM - Windows 2K/XP command file
HAL.DLL - Hardware Abstraction layer of Windows 2K/XP

Windows Vista/7/8/10  Boot Files

BOOTMGR – Found in the MBR this file boots up the Windows operating system
BCD (Boot Configuration Data) - is text file that lists the available OS found and tells the BOOTMGR where to find boot partition
WINLOAD.EXE- Loads the Windows Interface
NTOSKRNL.EXE- Windows Vista/7 Core Files
WIN.COM - Windows Vista/7 command file
HAL.DLL - Hardware Abstraction layer of Windows Vista/7


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